matlab2009a.unix 的继续安装
在经过 在ubuntu下面安装matlab.2009a.unix 之后
我打开 /opt/matlab/bin 找到matlab这个文件,双击运行,安装完的软件当然选运行了,可是仅仅运行到matlab加载界面然后就弹出去了,怎么也想不通
You are not superuser . . .You can still install a working MATLAB.
However, you may not have permission to complete any of the following
steps if you encounter them during installation:B1. Create symbolic links to scripts in $MATLAB/bin directory.
Also, the following step is skipped:
C2. Build symbolic links /etc/lmboot_TMW, /etc/lmdown_TMW.
Use the '-m' option with 'install_matlab' to automatically skip
any of these steps.Use the '-u' option with 'install_matlab' to automatically skip
this check for superuser.$MATLAB/etc/license.dat file should be owned by a privileged user.
Continue? ([y]/n)
经过几次的尝试,是这样做的首先用root权限打开这个文件夹(sudo gnome-open /opt/matlab,,,软件我安在这儿),然后在终端运行这个shell脚本
Welcome to the MATLAB NORMAL Install
Be prepared to provide MATLAB system configuration information for the tasks:
| A1. Create scripts in $MATLAB/bin directory |
| A2. Generate MATLAB path in $MATLAB/toolbox/local/pathdef.m |
| A3. Install M-files in $MATLAB/toolbox/local directory |
| |
| OPTIONAL (asked first) - |
| B1. Create symbolic links to scripts in $MATLAB/bin directory |
| B2. Install the FLEXnet Network License Manager |
| |
| ALWAYS DONE (if license manager is installed) - |
| C1. Create scripts in $MATLAB/etc directory |
| C3. Create template license.dat file in $MATLAB/etc directory |
| |
| OPTIONAL (asked first if license manager is installed) - |
| C2. Build symbolic links /etc/lmboot_TMW, /etc/lmdown_TMW |
Continue? ([y]/n)
Verify MATLAB root directory path
| The MATLAB root directory path has been determined to be: |$MATLAB = /opt/matlab
| Check the MATLAB root directory path carefully! If it is part of: |
| 1. An AUTOMOUNTED filesystem - the path must force a mount |
| 2. An AFS filesystem - the path must be read-write |
| Press <return> if OK. Otherwise, provide the correct pathname below. |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------MATLAB root directory? ([/opt/matlab])
-------------Working . . .
Continue? ([y]/n)
A1. Create scripts in $MATLAB/bin directory
-------------------------------------------Creating $MATLAB/bin scripts . . .
Script Changed? Old Copy in bin/old
------ ------- ------------------- NoContinue? ([y]/n)
A3. Install M-files in $MATLAB/toolbox/local directory
-----------------------------------------------------Creating $MATLAB/toolbox/local M-files . . .
M-file Changed? Old Copy in toolbox/local/old
------ ------- -----------------------------
matlabrc.m NoContinue? ([y]/n)
B1. Create symbolic links to scripts in $MATLAB/bin directory
| To make 'matlab' and 'mex' valid commands on your system you have |
| a choice of: |
| |
| [a] Creating symbolic links to the $MATLAB/bin scripts in a |
| directory of your choice that is already on your UNIX search |
| path, or |
| |
| [b] Adding the $MATLAB/bin directory to your UNIX search path. |
------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you want to create symbolic links to $MATLAB/bin scripts? ([y]/n)
! Please specify the full pathname of the ACCESS directory for MATLAB. |
| |
| Choose a directory that exists and is appropriate to your needs. |
| Common example is: /usr/local/bin |
| |
| The ACCESS directory will contain the following links to scripts |
| built by step A1: |
| |
| matlab -> $MATLAB/bin/matlab |
| mex -> $MATLAB/bin/mex |
| mcc -> $MATLAB/bin/mcc (if you have the MATLAB Compiler) |
| mbuild -> $MATLAB/bin/mbuild (if you have the MATLAB Compiler) |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------MATLAB access directory? ([/usr/local/bin])
把快速启动链接放在哪儿呢?据说 /usr/local/bin 能直接在 应用程序 这个抽屉里出现,但是试了几次,这个文件夹我不能用,如果你用root权限打开这个文件夹,应该可以吧
我输入 /home/用户名/starter 把快速链接放在 用户名 文件夹下的 starter 文件夹中
Linking to $MATLAB/bin scripts . . .
matlab -> $MATLAB/bin/matlab
mex -> $MATLAB/bin/mex
mcc -> $MATLAB/bin/mcc
mbuild -> $MATLAB/bin/mbuildContinue? ([y]/n)
B2. Install the FLEXnet Network License Manager
----------------------------------------------License manager executables are missing . . .
License manager installation skipped . . .To install the license manager executables try
reinstalling the License Manager.
If you downloaded the products you may need to
download the matlab.glnx86 file.Continue? ([y]/n)
最后,双击 matlab 还是那个样子,试一试在终端中运行,哈哈,启动了,写了这么长,重点竟然是最后这一句,呵呵
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